Here at Mid-Ulster Rotating Electrics Ltd we have the ability to make custom leads as required by the customer.
Some examples we have previously made are:
- Jump Leads
- Battery Link Cables
- Earth Cables
- Starter Motor Cables
- Alternator Cables
- Cable Rating
- Cable length
- Cable colour (where applicable)
- Connections (Clamps / Battery terminals / HD Eyelets / Anderson Connectors)
- Any Extra's (Circuit Breakers / In-Line Fuse)
We use AutoMarine branded cable which is a UK based manufacturer with great quality cable for all you needs and is extremely flexible, especially ideal for the heavy battery cables.
We stock a wide range of Automotive cable with the full range available to order as needed:
Thin Wall Low Voltage Cable
High temperature thin wall low voltage cables suitable for use in the automotive, marine and allied industries. These cables are specified as standard by manufacturers throughout Europe due to their high performance characteristics
- Cores manufactured to ISO 6722-1:2011 (Class B) 105°C
- Plain Copper Conductors to BS EN 60228:2005 - PVC Insulated
- Single core suitable for use at temperatures from -40°C to 105°C with excursions up to 120°C
- Twins and multicores PVC sheathed at 70°C
- Suitable for 12v and 24v systems (Maximum voltage 60v)
- Reduced insulation gives considerable savings in weight and volume especially when used in large wiring harnesses
- Good resistance to petrol, diesel, lubricating oils and diluted acids
- PVC insulation offers good resistance to abrasion and cut through
- Thin Wall Single Core
- Thin Wall Twin Core (Flat)
Thin Wall Twin Core (Round)
- Thin Wall 3 Core
- Thin Wall 4 Core
- Thin Wall 5 Core
- Thin Wall 7 Core
- Thin Wall 8 Core
- Thin Wall 10 Core
- Thin Wall 13 Core
Battery Cable
- PVC Flexible Battery / Starter Cable
Single insulated battery/starter cables.
Plain copper conductors, PVC insulated -15°C to 70°C.
- PVC Battery / Extra Flexible Cable
Single insulated extra flexible battery cables designed for use in tough working environments.
Plain copper conductors, PVC insulated -30°C to 70°C.
- Double Insulated Battery / Welding Cable
Double insulated extra flexible battery/welding cables designed to withstand severe climatic and mechanical conditions. The sheath is flexible in both high and low temperatures and is flame retardant.
Manufactured in accordance with BS638 part 4 standard.
Tinned copper conductors (orange only). High temperature separator. Butyl rubber insulation, rubber sheath 85°C
- Tinned Copper Earthing Braids
Manufactured in accordance with BS6862 part 1 1971, where applicable. Tinned copper conductors
- Twinflex Cable
Twinflex is a highly flexible PVC insulated cable offered in both 35mm and 50mm diameters on 25M length reels. It is two battery cables joined together by a clear outer sheath in a figure of eight configuration. Twinflex cable is suitable for the automotive industry such as fork lifts and tail lifts.
Operating voltage 0.6/1 kV
Test voltage 3.5 kV
Temperature range: -40°C to 70°C
Classic PVC Low Voltage Cable
General purpose low voltage wiring cables suitable for use in the automotive, marine and allied industries.
Cores manufactured to BS6862 Part 1 1971, where applicable
Plain copper conductors, PVC insulated
Suitable for use at temperatures from -30°C to 70°C
Twins and multicores PVC sheathed at 70°C
Suitable for 12v and 24v systems (Maximum 100v)
Resistant to petrol, diesel, lubricating oils and diluted acids
Bespoke core and sheathing colours available on singles, twins, multicore and speaker cables (subject to MOQs)
- PVC Single Core
- PVC Twin Core (Flat)
- PVC 3 Core
- PVC 4 Core
- PVC 5 Core
- PVC 7 Core
Specialty Cable
- Stereo Speaker (Twin)
- PVC Ignition Cable (High Tension)
Stock cable is available in meter lengths. Special orders only available in full reels
- Stereo Speaker (Twin)