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BOSCH TYPE STARTER MOTOR SOLENOID SND11004 134824 Bracket MCoil boltM8 DOD/cover49.65 EID/cover26.80 GB+M8 HHeight/B+19.75 KKl. 50/mm4.7 NCoil bolt l.12.25 Bracket No./terminals3 Electrical specifications Voltage12 Physical specifications AOD56.30 BTotal length145.25 Further information Further information DrawingNo20 FITS VW AUDI SEAT SKODA ETC 12V - M8 3 TERMINALS CROSS REFERENCE OEMREFERENCE BOSCH0331303147 BOSCH0331303570 BOSCH0331303647 BOSCH2339303211 BOSCH2339303222 BOSCH2339303225 BOSCH2339303258 BOSCH2339303265 BOSCH2339303314 BOSCH2339303339 BOSCH2339303351 BOSCH2339303377 BOSCH2339303724 BOSCH9330081068 BOSCHF000SH0102 BOSCHF000SH0120 BOSCHF000SH0133 BOSCHF000SH0136 FITS UNITS BOSCH 0001107020 0001107021 0001107022 0001107023 0001107025 0001107026 0001107052 0001107053 0001109006 0001109007 0001110076 0001110077 0001110084 0001110085 0001110086 0001110087 0001110098 0001110099 0001110118 0001110119 0001112021 0001112022 0001112027 0001112028 0001112038 0001112039 0001113007 0001113008 0001113011 0001113012 0001113013 0001113014 0001121001 0001121002 0001121006 0001121007 0001121008 0001121009 0001121016 0001121017 0001121018 0001121019 0001121022 0001121023 0001124001 0001124002 0001124003 0001124004 0001124007 0001124008 0001124011 0001124012 0001124013 0001124014 0001125003 0001125004 0001125005 0001125006 0001125007 0001125008 0001125009 0001125010 0001125012 0001125013 0001125016 0001125017 0001125018 0001125019 0001125021 0001125022 0001125035 0001125036 0001125039 0001125040 0001125042 0001125043 0001125046 0001125047 0001125051 0001125052 0001125501 0001125502 0001125503 0001125504 0001125507 0001125508 0001133004 0001211538 9000081010 ANOTHER HIGH QUALITY WOOD AUTO PRODUCT
- * All products come with 12 months warranty unless otherwise stated.
- * Please contact us with any issues so we can provide a solution for you.